The Fox & The Stag
In "The Fox & The Stag," readers are whisked away into the enchanting tale of Gemma, a courageous 13-year-old who, after her parents' mysterious disappearance, stumbles upon a magical realm hidden within the depths of the forest. Guided by a mystifying fox adorned with antlers, Gemma discovers the secret school of "The Fox and the Stag," a place where magic intertwines with the natural world, and students are divided into houses symbolizing their deep connections with nature's myriad creatures. As Gemma embarks on a quest to uncover her true belonging in this wondrous world, she faces a darkness that threatens the very fabric of this magical domain. With her parents' fate hanging in the balance, Gemma must summon all her bravery to confront the evil and unlock the secrets that could bring her family back together. Dive into a story of discovery, belonging, and the unbreakable bonds that connect us to the magic all around us.
Release Date: June 15th, 2025
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