Shipping & Returns Policy

Shipping Policy:

Unless otherwise noted as a pre-order purchase, all books will be delivered within 3-5 business days after purchase. (Minus shipping delays resulting from delivery companies.) Books are shipped out within 1-2 business days from date of purchase.


If you purchase a pre-order book, your book will ship on the official publication date of the book. We have had a few readers inquire about missing books that were pre-order purchase titles. If you have not received your book, please review your book title purchase (after description, above price) to see publication date.


If you are purchasing a signed edition copy of Linda Blackmoor’s books, most books will generally ship within 3 business days and take up to 3-5 business days for delivery. However, please allow up to 30 days to receive an exclusive signed edition book in some scenarios where stock may need to be replenished.

Returns Policy:

Books can be returned within 7 business days after confirmation of delivery for a full refund. Books must be in the same “new” condition as shipped.

Readers will be responsible for shipping costs of book returns.


If books are delivered damaged, please reach out to us within 7 business days. We will be happy to replace your book with a new copy. If there are any print issues with your book due to our Amazon printer affiliates, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will gladly replace your book that have printing issues.

Amazon Shipping

We work with Amazon’s book printing services across the country. Most purchases, unless otherwise noted, will be delivered via Amazon through their printing program. Purchases directly from our website, despite Amazon delivery services, supports the Author more than purchasing directly from Amazon’s website. However, readers are welcome to make their purchases on their preferred platforms.

Tracking Number:

We do not automatically provide tracking numbers for each order due to our Amazon shipping partners. However, if there are any issues with your delivery, we can receive tracking for your specific order to check on the status of your delivery.

Thank you for your support of Linda’s titles!

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