Linda Blackmoor

While enduring an extremely difficult childhood, she fell in love with the comfort she found in nature, and with her dream of becoming an author, she knew she wanted to intertwine her two passions to show the beauty of our wild world to her readers. The wild became her home, the beasts her family.

In addition to the wilderness Linda came to love, she discovered solace amidst the pages of books, her imagination ignited by the worlds they revealed. Through these literary adventures, she nurtured a lifelong dream of becoming an author, even as she faced the daunting challenges of growing up in a difficult life.

Linda's heart was deeply connected to the wild natural world and the world’s wild vibrant beasts, and it was through this spiritual bond that she found healing and strength. As she journeyed across the globe, living and travelling throughout the Middle East, Europe, and the U.S., she eventually found home in the lush, rolling hills of Middle Tennessee. There, she established a private conservation park, cultivating a refuge for the wild animals she cherished and protected and resides in her private home with her family. She hopes to one day have a residence and conservation park in her favorite place in the world - Scotland.

With her love of writing and the wild, she launched the conservation brand Caledonia Forest. Caledonia Forest is dedicated towards acquiring established forest lands and managing them to bring back old growth forests and preserve mature trees and established wildlife habitats. Sales from Linda’s author page also contribute towards her conservation efforts - both personally and through Caledonia Forest.

Born and raised in the Mediterranean city of Adana, Turkey, Linda moved to the states at a young age and quickly had to learn the English language to adapt. Moving from state to state, and even living in countries in Europe, she came to see the beautiful wilderness around the world. Never having a true “home,” Linda came to know the wild and its vibrant array of creatures as the only home she’s ever really known.

Growing up with an absent mother, she was raised in extreme poverty, ran-away from her home at 16 to escape traumatic childhood abuse, and was homeless throughout her late teenage years. She spent most of her late teens living out of tents in the woods, storage lockers, and out of cars.

Living with her family and wildlife rescues and farm animals on her private forest park, she began pursuing her dream of becoming an author. Something she knew she'd pursue since early childhood. Through her enchanting prose, she weaves tales of poetry, fiction, and educational works that transport her readers to the wild spaces that have so deeply impacted her own life. Each word is imbued with her passion for the environment and a desire to share the transformative power of nature with others.

Linda's story is one of resilience, hope, and a deep, abiding love for the natural world. Through her writing and the sanctuary she has created, she invites others to discover the profound connection to the Earth that has shaped her life, and to find their own solace and healing in the embrace of the wild. There is nothing more healing to a broken mind and soul than an intimate relationship with our wild world.

Linda lives with a variety of wildlife and farm animals on her conservation park, but her closest and dearest friend is Olive, her red fox. Linda dreamed of having a conservation park with her favorite animals - foxes and ravens. Olive was the first addition to her conservation efforts and Olive is a wonderful Ambassador to teach people about the killings of fox on fur farms and the detrimental impacts of human encroachment on natural habitats.